Sunday, April 29, 2012

Sunday already?

Ebunma vulgtm s'uhn shugg nnnnog c'fhalma ebunma n'gha ch'agl shuggyar kadishtu, fhtagnnyth 'bthnk Dagon y-hupadgh hrii ooboshu grah'n ftaghu nasgn'wahl lloig tharanak, goka y'hahoth goka cs'uhn Tsathoggua gof'nn hai vulgtm naflbug. Orr'e nglui Azathoth Chaugnar Faugn clw'nafh hupadgh Nyarlathotep, csll'ha f'lloig nalloig h'throd ftaghuog athg syha'h, mgyar ch' ee hai grah'n. Ulnoth uh'e ch'oth h'shtunggli ah uln s'uhn phlegeth y-mnahn' shtunggli phlegeth ebunmaagl gof'nnog k'yarnak, shogg chtenff cthrod shagg ilyaa gotha gnaiih kadishtu lw'nafh y'hah Nyarlathotep. Gof'nn mg shtunggli hafh'drn geb naflli'hee naflllll ah Yoggoth wgah'n, llll orr'e bug ron Yoggoth nglui goka shugg r'luh, shagg vulgtlagln mg hupadgh ah lllloth nakadishtu uln.

GR beware the ides of May!  On that day, you will face a choice - simple enough Left or Right.  GO RIGHT!  But then you are destined to go left.  Even with this warning.  Afterward you will remember this - because at least you will survive.

TF in the next 20 days a woman will betray your interests, and is behind some recent events - don't worry it is not CD.

Also, thanks J - I feel your message is totally true.  If I may help in return, when dealing with the C headache, have your mind be like a blank white sheet of paper - it helps.


  1. Robbie. Are you in the "prophecy" game now. Interesting view of that line on STV. The intro to Sadie was fairly critical of the nature of prophecy. But, hey, it's a mixed up muddled up shook up world.

    A fairly good deal of speculation out there, much of it mine, that if a DEVO badge was submitted postulating that you are an orc, the Badge would be granted. This theory is based on a simple homonym as "orc" is part of "Tork" (the way I pronounce it anyway). Any interest? Confirmation? or Denial? Just curious.

    1. Sadly, I have already tried (and failed) that badge.
      I am hugely interested of course - and that is the correct sounding.
      What does it mean to be an orc?

      And about the prophesy thing... you imply I have a choice in the manner.
      Well, I guess I do to an extent, but some paths walk themselves.

      'bthnik gonta ilyana Dagon cheffthn
